
Monteros to Timbao to Monteros

I am a little confused.  Last May I spotted a new restaurant, rather a revived restaurant, on my way to the gym.  Monteros owners decided to try for something a little fresher, a little sassier, a little more interesting.  Hello Timbao, the newest tropical restaurant in town.  This morning, while heading to the gym yet again, I noticed that it was once-again Montero’s.  Yes, I am a little late with this, seems it changed looks back in October.  (Hey, I haven’t been to the gym in awhile)  Same chefs, same groove, same salsa dancing.  It seems that most people were not happy with the change to Timbao, so Monteros responded by going back to the known name.

Hey Monteros: update your website…menu still shows it as Timbao!